Monday, October 20, 2008


WE initially thought of giving our male sponsors the same tokens for the ninang but it ran out of stock so we have to find another one. It was so difficult finding something for the ninongs.. Then i stumbled on these bottle openers (most of the male sponsors are alcoholic just like my dad hehe). PERFECT! WE will just have it engraved with our names bearing on the other side). Also, Ricky got a shot glass from ALASKA. Great find yehey! A bottle opener and a shot glass... just so perfect for the alcoholics hahahaha!!! BTW, the picture of a shot glass is still on its way since ricky cant take a pic of it yet since his camera was stolen) wehehe!!! TOAST TO THE BRIDE AND GROOM NInongs!


Before Ricky proposed to me, I already love this ceramic plate with a japanese girl printed as a design. When we sent something here in Phils, i bought one pair of the plate for mama. I wrapped it in a bubble bag so it wont get broken (and thanks God its still in its shape). So when ricky proposed and we started planning out for the wedding, I instantly thought of getting this ceramic plates for the sponsor without me anticipating that it will be a burden to me going home since i planned of just carrying this. (kwento on the next paragraph) I initially wanted to buy 10 boxes and that is good for 10 pairs of sponsors (each box housed 2 ceramic plates) but when i was about to buy it, the store had only 6 boxes left and so i had to think of other alternative. I didn't find any. So, the last recourse was, to get the 6 boxes (that is 12 pcs) only for the female sponsors.
Now, its home sweet home. I didn't realize how hard it is carrying such fragile stuff until I was alone striding around the fukuoka airport carrying all these heavy plates inside my hand carried luggage. One hand carrying the paper bag of chocolates (i cursed that kisses for my cousins!), and on my shoulder, the laptop bag and i was dragging the small but heavy suitcase. Gosh! I could just had listened to auntie when she told me to just put those in the box to be sent to Philippines. I refused just because i was afraid it might come out the box torn into pieces (horrible imagination). WHew! Such a burden but its all worth it cause i know our ninangs will love the plate (with a chopstick of course) hehehe!!! happy eating! OISHI eh?


This is the very first gift we received from a dear ninang. SIS GING VILLADOR. She is a former colleague of mine, a very good friend and a confidante. She is a nun and now, she is back to her mission. I miss her so much. There are so many things i miss about her: she always brings food to school (good for 6 persons) hehehe. We used to eat inside the faculty room because of the limited time for breaks. So we have sometimes to bring "baon". So, sis ging do it for us. I miss that pipino (a stress reliever according to her). And the coffee breaks we shared with nyla and archie.
Oh, she is not the conservative type of nun! SHe is more of a modern day nun whom you can see mingling with students, chatting with them, exchanging jokes (even if its a green joke hehehe). She was an instant celebrity upon setting foot in school. I adore her and love her so much... (love u sis ging)!!! You will always be in my heart wherever you are...


These are the wrapped gift for my entourage. I forgot to take a picture what's inside (the forgetful me). What's inside every box is a color changing mug which is very much useful for them especially most of my party since most of then are students living in a dorm. I was so undecided what to give them but when I saw these stuff in a store, i fell inlove with it especially the design is so kikay! just like me!!! I hope that they will appreciate this...